
Chat Facebook with Pidgin

The chaters mania surely know whose name is dong the same yahoo messenger?
You really
But unfortunately, here I will not discuss about yahoo messenger (bro .. I'm bored) hehehehe
I will discuss here is a pidgin, you know what that is pidgin?

Before I discuss what it is pidgin, my friends would know what it is dong facebook?? Yups,, a social networking ngetrends again today, and of course my friends dong like to chat on facebook? The period of the ga likeah lie.. hehehehe
But whether you know? By using a mini-applications we can chat on facebook without having to open the FB site. Already know? Hhehehehe
Gmana?? You already get an idea what it is pidgin? Ouch,, also do not understand the future?
Yawdah, The point is Pidgin for chat application on facebook. hahahahha
Pidgin is a kind of pidgin yahoo messenger but we can chat on facebook, yahoo, etc Hehehehe
So our bandwidth usage remains well controlled indeed, how?? You interested? If you are interested can download the plugin pidgin pidginnya here and create a chat on facebook here. With this plugin which allows us to chat on facebook.

 Download pidgin 2.10.0 disini

have funnn
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